Just a little frustrated that it has taken me about 6 years to find out about basic things like a radar key for disabled toilets, also the fact that a lot of beaches like Studland Bay have special beach wheelchairs that you can loan from them to have good beach access, why is it such useful information is not readily available, surly councils should be making sure that places such as leisure centers and libraries have large information boards with local information for the disabled.
I have found that without the internet I would not have been able to find these things out, but the time it takes to search the many sites out there would put a lot of people off.
I am on the other hand very pleased with the London council who have just sent me a guide to using the tube in a wheelchair, which stations have the correct access and no steps, I only asked for this 2 days ago and it is here with me at know charge to me, we need more councils acting this way.