After our lovely weekend in Wales with Imogen we very quickly found ourselves facing the summer holidays 6 weeks of what shall we do. This year we knew it was going to be different due to Paige being so ill, we had hoped that by July the poor little girl would be up to using her chair and getting out a little more, but that was not to be. Paige keeps suffering many setbacks and as for traveling until we get the new vehicle and new wheelchair for her travel is almost out of the question.
We did manage a lovely day at the farm, it was super warm and lovely blues skies, I had set about making an old-fashioned english picnic lunch for the children coming up. Egg and cress sandwiches, ham sandwiches, scones with cream and strawberries and all the goodies that the children love along with a bottle of Prosseco for Joanne and me.
The children did a nature trail around the farm with Jo which allowed me enough time to set up the food, we then sat and had a fun lunch. next was the swimming pool, the children love the chance to swim outside with just their own family, I would guess they spent around 3 hours in the pool that day. I kept popping back to see to Paige who was blissfully happy in our cottage on her bed eating her favorite things and watching Pokemon, she knew she was not up to even try to swim but she was content knowing she was here with us.
In the swimming pool the children all had fun and after that it was ice creams and then onto the tennis court for a knock about which was also a lot of laughs. I think the main thing the children love though is the fact they have space and freedom to roam, they played hide and seek and generally just loved being able to run between the flower beds and among the fruit trees.
Joanne and I did manage to have a lovely day, we both enjoyed a swim and we loved seeing the children start the holidays in such a nice way.
I love summer on the farm, I love the quiet that seems to come around every evening, just the rustle of the long grasses in the orchard, during the day we do get to hear the tractors and the trains and even the sheep seem noisy some days but on an evening it is magic. Have a good summer.xx