So much has happened in twelve months it is very hard to know how to begin, the item with the strongest impact is the fact after 20 years we have left the farm and moved into the beautiful city of Salisbury.
Probably the hardest decision we have ever had to make, we believe it has been the correct one, it has allowed me to work full time with Paige giving her care number one priority.
We now rent a three bedroom house and have a garden which we have to look after (shock ! ) but it has been a nice feeling putting our own stamp on things and a God send living so close to Joanne.
My husband closed his company and took on a managerial role, as IT Manager for a company in Hungerford which has given him a lot of fresh challenges.
Life has felt very strange at times and very unsettled but I believe now we are beginning our new chapter and things are finding there natural course. I hope to now write again on a regular basis , sadly they will not be about the farm and the fun things I got up to, but life in a beautiful city and finding our way. I will also be writing about Paige and her transition over to adult care which is quite a roller coaster.
Bye for now , back soon xxx