I have to say this time I have gone over the top! Not deliberately, simply messed my shopping. Went shopping straight from night shift picked up what I thought we needed and had totally forgot I had an online shop coming, so I now have 48 eggs.
I am at least happy that John is on Keto and often has a 3 egg omelette, also when I make his blueberry cupcakes with coconut flour I use 6 eggs, looks like I will be baking quite a bit to use this lot up.

I also wanted to share a Keto cookbook that most of you may already have , it was recommended by the people on a Keto group I have joined and I must say I love the recipes and will be using it tomorrow night . The author really explains things really well and people have told me they have tried nearly all the recipes, I also liked the price £6 on Amazon, what a find ! I will of course put pictures up as I make things so fingers crossed I don’t mess up.
Well back to looking at how I use all these eggs.