As some of you know , I have been helping John to try and loose weight before we come out of lockdown. During lockdown he has been working from home in his little office and moving very little ! Not good for our bodies , we have bought the rowing machine which has proved to be worth every penny. John’s shape has changed since starting regular exercise and we were practicing smaller portion and healthy eating , but John has classic belly fat ! This hits a lot of men and women over fifty and is often the hardest to move .
My next step was to buy Keto testing strips as I wanted to be very cautious with this diet and to be able to monitor the effects of the diet , John has began losing weight and has entered what they call the Ketosis stage where his body is burning fat . John has told me he could not do this diet without my support and I think I would be the same , I have found my self spending lots of time reading and looking for more recipes and even the shopping has to be done for his diet . I could not share this diet as I live in fat burn most of the time and have very little body fat , so we are having two types of menu and try to adapt things to suit me . If John is having steak and a salad I have steak and Jacket potatoes .
After weeks of research and looking at lots of diets I decided to put John on-the Keto diet if he wanted to try , and he said he would try anything to get back in shape . I struggled in the beginning trying to fully understand how this could work and also made mistakes, giving more protein in the beginning was one of the mistakes. I then came across a Keto diet 7 day meal planner which also had a basic breakdown of what you should be aiming for 75% fat, 20% Proteins, and 5% carbs , this really helped me, as I was doing 75% protein to begin with . The seven day meal planner is simple and effective and I would say this is only a diet for people who really want to diet !
I am now aware as the weight loss is happening we have to adjust things slowly to make sure he stays in a safe zone and work towards a diet which will help him maintain a steady healthy weight . I really feel for people who really want and need to lose weight , there are so many diets and so many clubs and different ideas , bit of a mine field . What helped was the fact that John felt he did not want to join a club or group so that ruled that out and we both felt that this seemed a diet we could work with and see results, which we are , he still has a long way to go and we still have to work out the future healthy eating plan . Lots of goals ahead of us , fingers crossed we achieve them . I would say I think anyone with any underlying medical conditions should not use this diet without first talking to there GP or at least a nutritionist, always better to be safe .
One point I should make for anyone thinking about this diet, do make plans before coming off the diet ! Prepare to slowly reintroduce the foods that you want to bring in , the worst thing you can do it suddenly just stop and binge on the things you miss most . It could be dangerous to do that as you could cause glucose spikes or even put your organs under stress as it copes with sudden change. Slowly bring in things like lentils and beans then small amounts of fruit , plan your next phase and look towards keeping healthy options that way you should adjust well . I will keep posted on John’s journey on Keto .