Well it has been such a busy week, the husband is doing well on his Keto diet, we are learning as we go!
I have found several Keto groups and have joined a couple , one on Facebook and I must say the people on there are so supportive. They share ideas, there anxiety’s when it is not going well, they support newcomers like ourselves, giving tips and tell you where to look for things like Almond flour. They are also kind to each other which is so refreshing, nice to see people being nice to each other.

Last week a lady told me about Keto Yorkshire puddings when I mentioned that when I do the Sunday roast I feel guilty having these when John cannot as he is on the Keto diet, she had the answer to try these and she said all her family love them as they are very lite.
The recipe looked very strange as there is no flour used instead you use arrowroot!
Along with cream and eggs, I felt sure these would not work, yet they do! He was thrilled, my first attempt were not crisp enough as the fat in the tins has to be red hot, but my next attempt were simply lovely, I have now made them a few times and they are so easy and I also enjoy them.
The other tip I got from the group was to use slices of Edam cheese cut into quarters, sprinkled with Paprika and then placed in a hot over for about 7 minutes till crispy and golden, leave to cool on kitchen paper, they are like a natural cheese nachos and I made a Keto guacamole to go with them, so yummy .