A quick and easy tasty chicken dish, the sauce is very useful as you can use it with other meats and even fish, it is also possible to add different herbs !
I used Fresh skinless chicken breasts and a couple of rashers of smoked streaky bacon which wraps round the chicken for cooking in the Ninja.
Sauce ingredients are:
- 2 small/medium Leeks finely chopped
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1/2 a red onion diced
- 1 glove of garlic diced
- 1/2 glass of white wine
- 2 medium chopped mushrooms
- 1 tablesspoon of fresh tarragon.
- 1 Knorr chicken stock cube in 250mls of hot water
- 2 tablespoons of double cream.
This is a very good way to introduce yourself to making your own sauces and it is really tasty, any sauce left over can be put in the fridge in a covered bowl and warmed up next day to use just add a little more cream if needed, we used it next day over Pork sausages. Yum !