A Wet Begining

The apple of Paige's

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year, I felt a little sad on New Years Eve becuase my brother had been down to stay for a few days and it had been lovely. The weather had been good and we got to walk the fields togheter in the sunshine, shared a few good bottles of wine and a few laughs together so it was sad to see him go just before New Year.

While my brother was here we had some quite nice weather it was just after the first storm that hit us, our fields were flooded but it seemed settled, but as he went home the wet weather returned. I have been down in Wiltshire for nineteen years and I have never seen it as bad as it is now, tempreture wise it is so mild it seems really strange. My duaghter Joanne lives near the the river Avon and her house has just been put on flood alert so it is fingers crossed that it stops raining and the levels start to drop.

I have pushed up a few pictures of what the last couple of weeks have been like, stay warm and stay safe. The last picture is what we saw the New Year in with xxxx


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